Dodge the Picture Framing Price Hike - Save up to 20%
Keeping a lid on inflation
It's no joke, we are finding our supplier costs, including picture frames and the other components such as glass, backing, mat board (cardboard) surround and even the hardware to hang a frame are on the climb.
Lynne and I have been concerned at the ever increasing cost of custom picture framing, and we did some serious re-negotiations with some of our suppliers in an effort to quell the end prices to you the customer.
Custom Made from Inspired Design Work
Understandably there are significant costs involved in producing a CUSTOM MADE picture frame. Compared to a mass produced generic pre made frame that rolls off a production line at a fraction of the cost, a custom made frame starts with attentive aesthetic design from a selection of literally hundreds of frames and cardboard (mat board) boarders, coupled with knowledge of conservation methods and other factors including the type of glass and backing to best suit the item you bring in for a special frame. If it's a cheap production line frame you need, well ... we have those too.
But a specialised custom frame is something we have been offering since we started in the mid 1980s. We now have access to some of the most sophisticated equipment in Australia including the above gigantic mat board cutting machine (above) that takes mat board up to 264 x 152 cm and of any thickness and cuts it to perfection.
Organise your picture framing now and save heaps ... Up to 20% off.
Material prices have increased and we reluctantly have no choice but to increase our framing prices, however as mentioned above we have had some serious discussions with our framing suppliers and "made them an offer they could not refuse." Actually it was a two way negotiation, we managed to secure selected frames as part of our budget range and can offer you a 20% discount from these selected lines. We are also absorbing some of the price hikes so effectively you are saving around 30% and we can offer a 10% discount off our wider non-budget selection.
“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” Benjamin Franklin
We have a firm policy: We won't compromise the quality of work to make your framing less expensive. For this reason we always check how precious your item to be framed is, and if it's a significant piece we will only have our specialist framer take on the work. For this type of work we can offer you a framing discount of 10%.
But what if you have a simple framing task and don't want to "over capitalise" on the project? Where's the 20% discount???
Please read on...
Cost effective picture framing - 20% discount for you, our subscribers ...
You might be planing to frame a poster or a photograph as a gift, or just have some framing work that is pretty simple, black frame or white or natural timber with a black or white mat border. Here's where our BUDGET FRAMING range is perfect.
Ask and you shall receive (limited time offer)
That's all you need to do, mention you're a subscriber and ask about the non budget 10% discount vs the 20% discount.
Subscribe here for your framing discount
*As you can appreciate, we cannot hold the reduced prices indefinitely, our suppliers are patient and generous but also suffer the current financial pressures that beset all of us at this time. Offer applies for any newly placed custom framing order placed from Jan 28th 2023.
If your work falls into the Budget criteria the Print Decor frame designer will steer you in the right direction to select from our somewhat extensive range of budget frames and mats.
Want to spend less?
We have a good selection of pre-made "kit frames" that cost a fraction of the price of custom framing. Ask our sales team and they will show you what's available.
It all starts with the design
Good workmanship is imperative but of equal importance is the person helping select the correct frame and other items that go into making your art work look spectacular. We pride ourselves in having aesthetically minded designers who find a real joy in designing framing that absolutely hits the spot.
60 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern 3144
03 9576 1566