The Dangers of Bad Framing Destroying your Valuable Art
By preserving and taking care of valuable and cherished art you can avoid permanent damage. As picture framers we sometimes discover a valuable piece of art work that is being destroyed by the framing materials.
Image courtesy of Art Reproductions Co.
Above. The above oil painting was so dirty you could hardly see it. Our framer/restorer set to work with a special oil painting cleaning solution and varnish to give this work a new lease of life. We replaced the tired old frame with a modern shaped soft gold (champagne) finish. Our customer was very happy.
The Care factor
It is vital in framing valuable or cherished works of art or keepsakes to assess the professional standards set by the framers in their attitude and pride in undertaking the task. We are happy to work with responsible, caring picture framers using the latest precision equipment.
Read more about quality custom framing.
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